Le Café de la Débrouille -

Join us and become a volunteer...

If, with us, you wish to support the Café de la Débrouille's mission and if you have a few hours of your time to share, then, you are most welcome.

Become part of our wonderful team of volunteers who are devoted and kind individuals without whom our organization could not operate.

Indeed, volunteers are essential to an organization such as ours and the different tasks to be tended to are quite diversified. By helping with the transportation, receiving, preparation and distribution of food products you make it possible for us to ensure the efficient operation of our food distribution counter. As concerns our cooking workshops we need 1) a competent cooking savvy person to lend our coordinator a helping hand and 2) an additional person to watch over the children of the participants.

A personally rewarding and stimulating opportunity awaits you. Please contact us at (450) 206-1008 or by e-mail at info@lecafedeladebrouille.org.

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